I Quit! Three Non-Monetary Reasons Why Millennials Leave Their Jobs

Trevor Lim
5 min readApr 29, 2019


Lately, I’ve been reading some literature and blogs on the inability of millennials to land I job they love, which causes a high turnover rate for companies.

And one thing I can say about it is this: maybe it’s time companies adapt to the changing times as well to cater to the new generation of employees.

To be fair, I think it is true that millennials are a bit finicky and fickle about their career decisions. But maybe this is due to the lack of innovative job opportunities out there.

Can you imagine working at a cubicle all your life, doing the same old routinary thing, without any hope for growth or progress career-wise? That’s the type of work that can take away your soul…

So before we nitpick about the “capriciousness” of most millennials, maybe it’s good to take a good look at three reasons why employees quit. I assure you it’s not as age-related as you think.

And frankly, it’s not about the money, either.

The Proliferation of Office Politics

Well, culturally, this may not be as prevalent in Asia as it is in the West. But I dare not say that it doesn’t exist.

In fact, this is the most common reason why even the best employees leave.

Imagine working your butt off, and yet in the end it’s still the wrong employee who gets promoted.

Or asking for approval for your vacation leave and having to jump through hoops to do so, but then you see a co-worker always absent and yet is still highly favored by their supervisors.

Favoritism is a plague that does affect the office environment, no matter how subtle it is.

The best way to counter this is to always open the lines of communication between the supervisor and staff. Because once that line is compromised, expect disastrous results.

Photo by Trang Doan from Pexels

Also, it’s important that the management is able to properly track the contributions made by their employees to the company. This is so they can calibrate their employee merit system.

You don’t want a situation where a hardworking employee gets snubbed and a mediocre one gets all the credit instead. That’s a very negative message to send to your workforce.

Another way to prevent office politics is by reminding each one of the company values. And not just defining the values, but talking about them. You can do this during office powwows or team meetings. You can positively enforce these values so that they will be inculcated in your employees.

Not Much Opportunity for Growth

Like I said earlier, employees are also looking to enhance their careers. And it’s not just a money thing. Definitely not about money.

I am actually on the fence about people who stayed at their jobs all their lives, working in the same office, holding the same position and just enjoying their tenure.

On one hand, I admire their ability to be content with having a job and considering it a blessing to even be employed, especially during those earlier times when there was a scarcity of jobs available.

But on the other hand, I wonder if they ever even aspired to look for another job and was just restrained by their circumstances.

Because that would have resulted in a somewhat miserable work experience. Knowing that you’re stuck and there’s no other option but to remain where you are since the opportunity to move ahead has passed.

And maybe since the younger generation of employees have seen this in their parents or predecessors, they are much more careful in choosing a job where there’s no chance of career development.

Often, applicants are asked, “Where do you see yourself five to ten years from now?” And they look up or far ahead, which means that they really put careful thought in the question.

And this indicates that they have a plan for themselves. They’re not just looking for work that’s gonna let them withdraw cash on the ATM every payday.

They want the opportunity to grow and expand their knowledge. They want to know that there’s no limit to what they can accomplish in the company.

And while this may not be all true, because there can only be one company President, CEO, COO or Chairman of the Board.

But knowing that there never could be an opportunity for growth? Now that’s a certified dream killer.

And you can kiss your employees goodbye if that happens.

Work is Just Too Darn Overwhelming

Millennials are vastly known for being excellent multitaskers. They can do several things at once. And while it may not be the most productive approach, they can still get you results.

Also, Millennials are quite the achievers. They are more results-based than the more elder generations. They will really give their best because they want to produce the best outcome for their effort.

However, there’s also such a thing as being too overworked.

Let’s admit it. Employees who give their best and are very passionate about their work often get beaten up with so much work. Ah, so you like working huh? Here’s more work for you then…

The result is typical: they get burned out.

So how can you prevent this? For one, you can provide an efficient feedback mechanism so that employees can voice out their issues and concerns.

Work-life balance is also important. Make sure to give your employees a breather.

Designing your office environment and system also helps. Including simple and cost-effective perks can do wonders for the stamina of your younger workforce .

It’s also important to make your employee feel that they don’t have to kill themselves to prove their worth in the company. Throw in some appreciation from time to time.

A simple recognition for their work goes a long way. But also, don’t let the recognition just be in the verbal form. A simple gift certificate to a milk tea place nearby can be so rewarding for a team that worked extra hours just to beat the company deadline.

Such a small price to pay to keep a priceless asset, right?

Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

Employee satisfaction is often overlooked simply because we are under the notion that everyone is replaceable. Thankfully, companies are now adopting more innovative and effective ways to improve the work experience of their employees.

Because at the end of the day, no matter how much money you earn, some things are just more important than that.



Trevor Lim
Trevor Lim

Written by Trevor Lim

I help liberate business owners by having more time and attention through team building and autonomy.

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